Monday, May 2, 2011

Parenting Posts: This is so long for now but definitely not good-bye

Farewell till' next time!

            It has been a wonderful sixteen weeks, going through this writing journey together with you.  Recalling distant memories, and sharing new ones.  There were painful experiences I exposed, and rather joyous occasions shared, all in the name of Parenting.

            Initially when this task of journaling was given to us, it was a no-brainer to write about my daughter who is, essentially one of the forces behind my passion(s), and drive to aspire to be better; not only as a parent but as an individual as well.  These blogs allowed the chance to relate too many of you in the virtual world that given a typical day, may not have been possible.  Often times as parents we do not always communicate with one another, as we should.  We mask our feelings or frustrations because we do not want our children to see us vulnerable.  We mask our feelings from other adults/parents, because in looking at them, we may think they have it "all together" and with these perceptions, we miss the opportunity to learn and grow from one another. 

            In these sixteen years of parenting, there was no way to foresee what a rollercoaster ride this would have been.  I could not see that through our "family storms" they would have been weathered with such positive outcomes.  If there was anything to take away from the postings, understand at the end of the day, every single obstacle, laugh, tear, or word(s) said in anger, is all a common "parental process" we go through, but it is all worth it.

            I encourage everyone, and this is a personal note to self not to overlook the "little things" as far as our children are concerned.  At one point, they are 6 months, then 4 years old, then a pre-teen, then an adult.  You will look back as I do wondering where the time went.  Parenting, one of the best treasures life has to offer.  I am sure if we know nothing else with certainty, we know this as truth.  Bask in every moment.

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